Hurlstone Agricultural High School

Pro Patria

Telephone02 9829 9222

Student Learning Behaviours

The 5Ps

The 5Ps are a framework that describes the five learning behaviours expected of students at all times, with specific actions for each to guide students towards success. These behaviours ensure that all students are able to engage with their learning and maximise their opportunity for growth and achievement. Additionally, these behaviours and actions are key to success beyond the classroom and position students to find success after their time at Hurlstone Agricultural High School. 

This framework also aims to establish a consistent language of learning behaviour management across all classes and amongst all teachers to establish predictable and achievable routines for all students. In much the same way that the Quality Teaching Framework provides teachers with a common language for pedagogy, the 5Ps provides teachers with a common language for expectations and behaviour.

Finally, the 5Ps seek to provide more effective, timely and nuanced feedback to parents/carers regarding their child's engagement and success. With more specific feedback, the school and parents/carers can support all students to engage with their learning to the best of their abilities as a team. 

The 5Ps 


At Hurlstone Agricultural High School, we demonstrate our commitment to learning and achievement by being punctual for our learning. We show this by:

  • Arriving to class on time.
  • Lining up outside the learning space as required.
  • Waiting quietly before entering the learning space under the direction of a teacher


At Hurlstone Agricultural High School, we demonstrate our commitment to learning and achievement by being prepared for our learning. We show this by:

  • Wearing the full correct uniform for that course.
  • Working safely in our allocated space.
  • Immediately unpacking all necessary equipment required for the lesson.
  • Keeping our phones off and out of sight, as well as any paired devices. 


At Hurlstone Agricultural High School, we demonstrate our commitment to learning and achievement by being productive in our learning. We show this by:

  • Setting high expectations for ourselves and working to the best of our abilities.
  • Listening attentively and following all teacher instructions.
  • Completing all class tasks and homework promptly and participating actively in group learning activities.


At Hurlstone Agricultural High School, we demonstrate our commitment to learning and achievement by being polite at all times. We show this by:

  • Remaining silent whilst the teacher is addressing the class.
  • Showing respect to teachers, students, resources and the school environment.
  • Waiting calmly and respectfully for our turn to speak.
  • Not speaking over the top of others or using inappropriate language. 
  • Waiting to be told to pack up and be dismissed by your teacher.


At Hurlstone Agricultural High School, we demonstrate our commitment to learning and achievement by being positive towards our learning. We show this by:

  • Engaging in active and positive learning.
  • Making positive and meaningful contributions to class discussions.
  • Taking personal responsibility for our own actions and learning.